International Women's Day
For this International Women's Day, we sat down with our founder, Kirstin-Lee Keyers to ask her 25 questions about her journey, the milestones she's achieved and what being a woman means to her. Throughout conversations, we gained valuable insight into her story and the inspiration behind her success.
1. How would you describe yourself?
Fun and adventurous.
2. Sweet or Savoury?
3. Is it true you were a flight attendant?
Yes! I worked for emirates and lived in Dubai, had the time of my life.
4. Is it true you were a radiographer?
It is...
5. How did KIVARI start?
The idea started on a surf trip to Bali, I then worked out of my lounge room in Coolangatta.
6. Biggest lessons in business?
Trust your instincts.
7. What does International Women's Day mean to you?
International Women's Day is a reminder of the strength, resilience and limitless potential of women across the globe.
8. If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?
The Beckhams.
9. Next travel destination?
10. If you weren't in fashion, what would you be doing?
Probably still working at Tweed heads hospital as a radiographer.
11. Favourite childhood memory?
When I was four, travelling Europe in a campervan with my family.
12. What are you most excited for right now?
13. What do you do the unwind?
I like to be busy.
14. What is one thing you think everyone should do at least once in their life?
Travel and then travel more. my dad was Dutch and my first overseas trip was when I was four to meet the family. It has defiantly shaped who I am. Travel far, travel often.
15. Are you texting or calling?
I'm dyslexic... so calling is safer.
16. Favourite KIVARI piece at the moment?
Double denim.
17. What advice would you give your younger self?
Follow your passion, stick in your lane, worry less about others.
18. Drink of choice?
Chilli Marg.
19. Which campaign are you most proud of?
Awww tough one, so many! But probably the current collection ODYSSEY - It was a truly magical campaign.
20. Trend you are loving at the moment?
Denim everything!
21. Tiktok or Instagram?
22. What is the hardest part of your job?
Letting go.
23. Being a mum of 2, how do you manage work life balance?
There is no balance! Ha, I prefer to call it work life harmony because it ebbs and flows.
24. What does it mean to be a woman today?
Is about resilience, strength, and the courage to actually create the change in the world.
25. What's next is for you?
Living the best and biggest life I can, travelling more and growing KIVARI. I feel like I am only just getting started!