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Staying Healthy At Home With Naturopath Ema Taylor

As long time followers of Naturopath, Nutritionist & Fertility Awareness Educator, Ema Taylor, on Instagram, we were excited to have her speak with us here at Kivari. Ema talks us through ways to nurture our health during this uncertain time, making it a priority while at home. 

By Ema Taylor

Implement a morning routine  

I believe one of the most powerful ways to support your health and happiness is to implement a morning routine that sets you up for a calm and centred day. 

Avoid going on your phone or checking emails and instead savour the first hour of the day for you. 

You could choose to simply wake slowly sipping a cup of tea in the garden while watching the sun rise, stretch in the lounge room and enjoy a guided meditation, read an inspiring novel or journal down 3 things you are thankful for and one productive step you are going to take today to move you closer toward your dreams and goals. 

I promise, this simple habit of creating space in the morning for yourself can lead to profound positive change and increased happiness in your days.

Use your food as medicine  

It is an empowering thought to know that with each meal we have the chance to improve our wellbeing and nourish our body. 

Using your food as medicine can be very simple, such as adding a pinch of cinnamon to your oats for an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory boost, a diced up clove of garlic to your salad for immune system support, a squeeze of lemon in your water to encourage waste removal or some medicinal mushrooms to your hot Ceremony Cacao ( for immune and nervous system nourishment.

Choose the majority of your food from the earth and sparingly from packets. Choose an array of colourful vegetables and have fun trying new varieties each week to reap the benefits of different vitamins. Perhaps with this extra time at home you could try a new recipe and bake some tasty treats.

Connect with nature 

The more reliant on technology we are, the greater our need for nature is. 

Nature helps calm our nervous system, ease our mind and can even help speed up healing and recovering times when people are unwell. Nature reminds us that we are a part of something much greater than ourselves and is by far our wisest teacher.

Aim to connect with nature each day - in whichever way you can. Possibly it's sitting in the grass in your backyard, wiggling your toes into the earth or going for a walk outside and taking note of all the different trees and flowers that line your street. If you cannot go outside right now, sit by the window and allow the sun to kiss your face or the rain to splash on your hand. 

Move your body daily

When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins which interact with receptors in your brain that reduce pain and increase feelings of positivity. Exercise also promotes the release of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, which are neurotransmitters that play an important role in promoting a happy, balanced mood.

Aim to move your body for 30 minutes each day, incorporating a blend of cardio, strength and restorative practices. 

Stay connected with loved ones

Being restricted to our houses at the moment can at times feel quite lonely. Jump on the phone and connect with your loved ones, flick through your address book and reach out to an old friend for a catch up, or write a letter to someone and tell them how special they are. The smallest gestures can brighten someone's day, which in turn will brighten yours.

To read more from Ema click here

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Emmison Blouse
Mahli Linen Maxi Dress

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